Au Canada, les études collégiales ne se bornent pas aux connaissances théoriques, mais s’étendent à des compétences diverses, essentielles au...
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As a veteran guidance counselor, the 40-hour community service graduation requirement has been a staple for Ontario high school students since I...
Le counseling en milieu scolaire gagne en importance. Les personnes qui remplissent cette mission s’occupent non seulement de l’orientation scolaire...
The role of school counsellor is an increasingly important one. In addition to academic guidance, counsellors also provide social and emotional...
En 2018, je comptais environ cinq ans d’expérience en intervention scolaire et je travaillais en équipe avec deux autres personnes dans une grosse...
In 2018, about five years into my school counselling experience, I was a member of a three-person counselling team in a large high school where we...
Increasing students’ positive help-seeking behaviours In 2023, the top reasons that young people between the ages of 5 and 17 called Kids Help...
Combien de temps vivrez-vous? Personne ne peut répondre à cette question avec certitude, mais nous connaissons néanmoins plusieurs facteurs qui...
How long will you live? No one can answer this question with certainty, but we do know a number of factors that could help you live a longer life...
New partnership between George Brown College and New Zealand’s Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology to provide immersive international...