The Trevor H Shirtliff Difference-Maker Scholarship is awarded to high-school students that have been identified by their high school counsellors to be activists advocating to make a difference. Whether it be within their school, their community or in the life of others, we commend these youth.
We thought you’d like to know what caught the attention of their counsellors and why we chose these individuals to award scholarships to. In the words of a counsellor, here are the nominations:
Student: Ethan Mask, Grade 12
Nominating Counsellor: Carrie Sweeney
Madawaska Valley District High School, Barry’s Bay, ON
Thank you for this opportunity to nominate Ethan Mask for the Trevor H. Shirtliff Difference Maker Scholarship. Ethan is a current Grade 12 student who will be graduating in June and proceeding on to Carleton University for Social Work / Psychology.
Ethan is a leader in our school community who heads our Athletics Council and is an athlete on many teams. He organizes and runs student activities, including lunch tournaments and activities after school. This year Ethan has consistently been a student mentor for our Community Sports Camps, working with elementary students to develop athletic skills and love of sports. He was on Student Council for 2 years prior to this year as well.
Ethan perseveres in making things happen in the true spirit of leadership and community-building. He is maintaining a strong academic record. He is completing a co-op placement assisting our non-credit-earning Life Skills class students in their learning and achievement. Ethan has been a strong presence in our Athletics organization and even when unable to participate himself due to injury and resulting physical limitations, he did what he could to support organization and carry out events for his peers to enjoy.
Ethan is a positive difference maker in our school community. We look forward to seeing how he will use his skills in his post-secondary education and future career in helping others.
Student: Tayah Perry, Grade 12
Nominating Counsellor: Jen Kozma
Gus Wetter School, Castor, AB
Throughout Tayah’s time at our school she has exhibited remarkable dedication to both academics and community engagement. In the classroom, she consistently achieves high standards, putting her best effort into every assignment/test/quiz displaying a commitment to her classes. What truly sets Tayah apart, however, is her exceptional leadership and the impact of that both in the school community and beyond. She has taken roles in leading grad meetings, and been a great role model to younger students on the basketball team. In previous semesters Tayah completed work experience assisting some high needs students in our school, displaying a value of compassion in her day to day school life. Tayah also embodies honesty and respect for others in her interactions with both teachers and peers. She truly goes above and beyond in our school. As she approaches the end of her high school journey and prepares for a new chapter in her academic and personal development, I have no doubt that Tayah will continue to shine, positively influencing those around her. Tayah is truly deserving of recognition for her outstanding achievements and contributions.
Outside of school, Tayah participates in extra curricular activities like rugby outside of school, badminton, basketball and volleyball. She puts her all into each and everyone of these activities while still staying on top of her school work. Tayah demonstrates leadership when taking part in these activities as a senior student. She is a positive role model to the younger players, as well willing to meet students after school/during practice to work on their skills. On top of sports, Tayah volunteers her time to a local ranch that runs camps for students. In the summer months she serves as a camp counselor for students of many ages. Here she is a leader for other students, mentoring and guiding the younger campers. Thank you for your consideration of Tayah Perry for this award.
Student: Atasha Flores, Grade 12
Nominating Counsellor: Deanna Cook
Harvest City Christian Academy, Regina, SK
Atasha Flores has been very active serving in Regina with Stargiver’s Initiative. Stargiver’s purpose is to provide resources for our homeless community. Weekly, Atasha has volunteered her time with SoupBowl preparing food at the Food Bank with the Comeback Society every Sunday which is then distributed at various drop-off centres in North Central, Pepsi Park and Victoria Park. Hundreds of bowls of soup and bannock are handed out every week. They raised money for the Coldest Night of the Year; they have also raised money with bottle drives to buy resources to be distributed to the shelters including feminine hygiene products, water bottles, and warm clothing.
Atasha has also been active volunteering with City Kidz Regina- a not-for-profit organization that plans monthly activities for less fortunate children living in Regina.
At our school, Atasha has also been involved with the Student Leadership Council. This year as President and last year being the Executive Member for Outreach, Atasha has helped organize the food bank drive, the sock drive for Soul’s Harbor, the Orange Shirt Day assembly for Truth and Reconciliation, and a fundraiser for Ukrainian refugees.
Atasha is the Co-President for the Student Leadership Council, part of the high school drama club, and a regular volunteer with Athletics volunteering as a scorekeeper for both basketball and volleyball.
Atasha also volunteers regularly with her church, Jesus is Lord. She runs a small group mentoring younger teenage girls. She is an active volunteer with Children’s Ministry (Sunday School and Vacation Bible School) and assists with special events like conferences or church gatherings.
Student: Meleigha Maki, Grade 12
Nominating Counsellor: Michael Maki
Armbrae Academy, Halifax, NS
New student to Armbrae this academic year, Meleigha ‘hit the ground running.’ Active leader at her previous school, she did not allow a transition of countries to stop her from personal pursuits. She joined the varisty field hockey team, become editor of the yearbook, volunteered with the Home for Dinner school initiative that creates healthy wholesome meals for community members, and works with the school after school activities to offer clubs and skill development to elementary students. It a culmination of these significant contributions to the school community as well as her acaademic success that lead to the recognition by peers for the school nominated Be Kind, Work Hard award. Academically, Meleigha had previously attended an IB based school Armbrae offers AP curriculum. Wanting to pursue her own interests that were not offered as classes, she sought out enrichments opportunities to enroll in an online AP Psychology course, and has the intent to challenge both AP English Literautre and AP Spanish Language exams this May. An active self-motivate learner who knows what they want and seeks out appropriate areas to promote future opportunities and personal growth. The positive attitude, the infectious laughter that she brings to the Armbrae community each and every day have been an inspiration to younger students and peers. When there is a need for assistance with a school event or simply to offer a helping hand to a classmate that is preparing an assignment, be a listener or offer constructive feedback for a looming presentation Meleigha always makes herself available to assist others before tackling her own responsibilities. She may not hold the role of Prefect, but not all leaders lead from the front. Like wolf pack mentality, Meleigha leads from the back, nudging and gently pushing other forward in pursuit of their own excellence. She has accepted the offer for the Bachelor of Philosophy & Leadership at the University of New Brunswick a program that is dedicated to the development of future change-makers, this is not an interest it is an essential fabric of her very being.
I cannot think of a member that is more deserving of the recognition as the recepient fo the Trevor H Shirtliff Difference Maker Scholarship.
Student: Chloe Rose Johnson, Grade 12
Nominating Counsellor: Nancy Amero
Boy School, Boyle, AB
Chloe Johnson is a remarkable Grade 12 student that I have come to know and am thrilled to be nominating for this scholarship. Chloe is always diligently trying to improve and strengthen the quality of life for herself, her peers in Boyle School and the small communities that she grew up in around her. Chloe has been accepted to attend Lakeland College and plans to study Environmental Science with a major in Fish and Wildlife. This decision was fueled by her love for the outdoors and a passion to contribute to environmental preservation in the world around us. Chloe has a big heart and has always been willing to help the people in her community. She can often be found volunteering to look after neighbors farm animals and pets while they are away or helping to move furniture, which exemplifies her kind heartedness and compassion for others. For over ten years now Chloe has volunteered in community events in the Atmore and Grassland community. (These are two small communities located just north of the Village of Boyle and near where Chloe lives). Community events included set up and tear down at community dances, horn scoring and an annual Hoof-athon which Chloe has been a part of for the last 10 years. (The hoof-athon is a trail ride fundraiser to raise money for the Mazankowski Heart Institute in Edmonton). In her school community Chloe has been identified by her carpentry shop teacher as an outstanding and talented student and helper. Chloe has created many unique and detailed projects from wood and is always helping other students with their projects, offering her imaginative ideas for layout, design and then actually helping the students complete the projects. Her teacher said Chloe was an invaluable asset to have in his carpentry classes and she will be missed. I’m hoping you will agree with me that Chloe is most deserving of this award!
Volunteer initiatives: helping out at many community activities (dances, trail rides , horn scoring etc.), helping neighbors look after farm animals and pets, helping people move, volunteering in her shop class at school to help other students with project ideas and completion. Chloe is an academic student who takes her studies seriously and has a passion for improving the natural environment around her. While in high school Chloe has managed to complete her Green Certificate Equine Technician certification, a challenging program sponsored by Alberta Agriculture. Coming from a very small town, Chloe has managed to display big accomplishments!