Atasha Flores

Deanna Cook

Harvest City Christian Academy

Regina, SK

Atasha Flores has been very active serving in Regina with Stargiver's Initiative. Stargiver's purpose is to provide resources for our homeless community. Weekly, Atasha has volunteered her time with SoupBowl preparing food at the Food Bank with the Comeback Society every Sunday which is then distributed at various drop-off centres in North Central, Pepsi Park and Victoria Park. Hundreds of bowls of soup and bannock are handed out every week. They raised money for the Coldest Night of the Year; they have also raised money with bottle drives to buy resources to be distributed to the shelters including feminine hygiene products, water bottles, and warm clothing.

Atasha has also been active volunteering with City Kidz Regina- a not-for-profit organization that plans monthly activities for less fortunate children living in Regina.

At our school, Atasha has also been involved with the Student Leadership Council. This year as President and last year being the Executive Member for Outreach, Atasha has helped organize the food bank drive, the sock drive for Soul's Harbor, the Orange Shirt Day assembly for Truth and Reconciliation, and a fundraiser for Ukrainian refugees.

Atasha is the Co-President for the Student Leadership Council, part of the high school drama club, and a regular volunteer with Athletics volunteering as a scorekeeper for both basketball and volleyball.

Atasha also volunteers regularly with her church, Jesus is Lord. She runs a small group mentoring younger teenage girls. She is an active volunteer with Children's Ministry (Sunday School and Vacation Bible School) and assists with special events like conferences or church gatherings.