The Gaza conflict – a longstanding and complex issue – reverberates across the globe, touching lives and leaving a lasting impact far beyond its geographical...
Category - Winter 2023
At last month’s Department Heads meeting, our Vice Principal presented a slide show that one of our English teachers, who teaches our Grade 11 and 12 Black Voices...
Also referred to as school avoidance, school refusal happens when a young person does everything in their power to avoid going to school. They might be trying to avoid...
The world can be a frightening place. News reports tend to paint a vivid picture of all the things that are going wrong in society. Educators are often left to fight...
In Canada, the drug toxicity crisis has claimed at least 38,514 lives since 2016. Between January and March of this year, a total of 1,904 people died from opioid...
Gap Years support social & emotional learning while building real world skills and gaining career clarity Common phrases amongst senior high school students in 2023:...